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Our Mission

The congregation of Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church, a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, is bound together by a mutual desire to live together in faith by sharing Christ's love and serving others in the name of Christ. 


We see our mission as providing a welcoming, inviting and safe environment that includes all members of our community and, guided by the Holy Spirit, inspires in all a love of God and the security of Christ's loving forgiveness and grace.

Reverend Janice Whitelock


In 2014, I joyfully accepted the call to serve as pastor of

Spirit of Grace Lutheran Church in Brooks.


I was drawn to a congregation identified by the transformative

butterfly symbol – as I am drawn to God who forms and

transforms us, bringing forth new life.


Brooks has become my home. I continually seek and find God's presence within the community.


I am grateful that the Spirit opens my eyes, and the eyes of Spirit of Grace, to God's ongoing activity and presence in Brooks.


I trust that God will continually form and transform us to be church in the community, with the community, and for the community.


You are invited to join Spirit of Grace's journey with the transformative God.

All are welcome.


Rev. Janice Whitelock

Janice Whitelock.png

Our Pastor

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